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Forgot password? Please contact us membership@rarechromo.org
Registered member but first time log in? Just go to the Unique Members Area Registration Form
Not yet a registered member? Just go to the Become A Member page
Do take a look around the site but to help you find your way around, here are quick links to some of our most popular pages:
We have prepared this booklet to give you a basic understanding of chromosomes, DNA analytical techniques and the different types of rare chromosome disorder and to tell you a little bit about ourselves and the group. New families will automatically receive a printed or electronic copy of this booklet when they join Unique. The booklet is available in English, Spanish, Italian, Norwegian and Finnish:
As part of our services, Unique runs telephone and email helplines for new and existing member families and professionals to find out more information about the group. We can try to answer your questions about specific rare chromosome disorders and some autosomal dominant single gene disorders that are associated with intellectual disability/developmental delay/ medical issues/behavioural issues. Whatever your question, or if you just want to talk to someone, please do not hesitate to pick up the phone.
T: +44 (0) 1883 723356
E: info@rarechromo.org
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Unique is based in Surrey, UK but you don’t have to live nearby to volunteer to help us. In fact, we have volunteers all over the country and even beyond.
From raising awareness and helping families in your local area as one of our local contacts, to shaking a bucket at your local supermarket, selling wristbands, stuffing envelopes or helping out at one of our events, there are often ways you can get involved.
Why not drop us a line to see what you can do to help? Just email Craig at craig@rarechromo.org
Go on....do something Unique today!
Only with your help at this time of uncertainty can we go on providing information and support to anyone affected by rare chromosome and gene disorders. All donations, however large or small, make a real and lasting difference. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY!