Understanding Rare Chromosome and Gene Disorders

Touch The Sky: our brand new pop song is out now

Our own pop song,"Touch the Sky," has just been released! 🌟

It's a positive, inclusive, uplifting celebration of the rare chromosome & gene disorder community. We hope you love it as much as we do! Share it with friends, family and loved ones.

Check it out here

Help shape Unique's future and you could win a prize!

Unique turns 40 this year, so we’d like to hear the views of everyone in the rare chromosome & gene disorder community on our services and what our future focus should be.

Our short survey will take approximately 20 minutes, you don’t need to complete it in one go and you can return to it at any time. You don't need to be a Unique member to take part.

Click here to take the survey

Welcome to Unique!

Unique provides support, information and networking to families affected by rare chromosome and gene disorders.

Our helpline team can help you understand your family member's diagnosis and connect you with others. Why not join us today? Alternatively, have a look around first and contact us when you're ready....

Become a Member


A Blog for Rarechromoday

Unique member Becky has written a blog for Rarechromoday about her journey with Koolen-de Vries Syndrome.

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Who are Unique? - A Brand New Presentation

For Awareness Day 2024 (#rarechromoday) on June 13th, we’ve released...

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New books on Small Supernumerary Marker Chromosomes and Uniparental Disomy

A great friend of Unique, Prof. Dr. Thomas Liehr, University...

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