We’ve been asked by a health psychologist based at UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health to share the following….
Invitation to feedback about a survey which will go to parents of children having genome sequencing in the NHS
Hello! My name is Bettina.…
I am looking for 5 parent volunteers to help me with the development of a survey. The survey is about parents’ experience of being offered genome sequencing to diagnose their child’s condition. Some of you very kindly offered to help with this survey last year, and we are now in the final stages of survey development and would like to test out the survey one final time before we send it out, just to make sure we’ve got it right.
If you agree to take part, we will set up a time I can call you virtually. I will then go through the questions with you one-by-one. The sorts of questions I will ask you include: Do the instructions make sense? Are the questions clear and understandable? Are the questions easy to answer? Is the length of the survey OK? Would you complete it if you were given it?
The process will take around 30 minutes and volunteers will be sent a £10 Amazon voucher for their time!
If you are interested in helping, please contact me and we can arrange a time to speak:
Email: b.friedrich@ucl.ac.uk