We are sharing this on behalf of Emma Carter at Cardiff University School of Medicine:
We are recruiting parents/guardians of a child who is affected by a developmental disorder, who have had an appointment in a UK Regional Genetics Service in the last 10 years, to take part in a MSc Genetic and Genomic Counselling student research project. The research project aims to explore whether the UK genetic services meets the support needs of these families through semi-structured interviews.
Participation involves a 1-1 interview led by the student researcher which will last approximately 40 minutes. Any information given will be anonymised and any identifiable information will be kept confidential. By participating you will help us understand the support needs of families affected by developmental disorders which in turn may help UK Genetics Services tailor their service delivery to better address these.
To participate in this study, or for further information, please contact Emma Carter, student researcher, on cartere9@cardiff.ac.uk, who is supervised by Flora Joseph, Registered Genetic Counsellor.
Emma Carter
Email: Cartere9@cardiff.ac.uk