Understanding Rare Chromosome and Gene Disorders

Tax-Efficient US$ Donations

Making a donation from the USA in support of our work is now much easier and can be done in a tax-efficient way. We have partnered with the Chapel & York charitable foundation, which is registered as a 501(c)(3).

1.You can make a donation direct to Unique at You will receive a tax receipt on donation and Unique are notified of the donation so we can acknowledge.

2.You can send a check direct to Chapel and York along with the attached completed form: You will require our Chapel & York registered name which is “Unique – Rare Chromosome Disorder Support Group” and the check should be made payable to “Chapel & York US Foundation, Inc”. The address you need to send the check to is given at the end of the form.

3.Finally, you can make a donation to Chapel & Yorks US Foundation via your Donor Advised Fund. You will need to clearly specify in your instruction to the fund administrators that the intended recipient of funds is “Unique – Rare Chromosome Disorder Support Group”. This instruction could go in a suggested use box, a comments field, or something similar. As long as Chapel & York receive that instruction, the funds will reach us & again, we will acknowledge receipt.